That line - making wisdom the opposite of sensitivity or thin-skinned ness reminds me of NiN song Hurt - and this description of how an old (wiser?) interpretation changes the meaning


When pain becomes familiar does it hurt as much? Do others become more or less calloused and unfeeling as a response to the tether to their world growing more thorns?

Is an absence of sharp pains - Losses of relationships, pets, loved ones, broken bones, food poisoning- a reason to fear, to withdraw from the world, or the evidence of the necessity to engage with it?

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Made me think of Markov Blankets, the edges of systems and subsystems (https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsif.2017.0792). Then it made me think of a little discussion pod that I'm in- there's four of us, and sometimes we each do ten minute, stream of consciousness speaking on a given topic. Then we discuss at the end. I can see the system 3 interpersonal thinking going on. Some call it "We Space."

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Oh thank you I keep meaning to dig into Markov Blankets. The abstract reminds me of Nichola Raihani's book "The Social Instinct" and David Sloan Wilson's "This View of Life", which have both contributed to my understanding of group-level selection in "social" organisms.

I like the sound of that format. Hadn't ever heard of that method before.

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