Jul 1Liked by Daniel Hulter

Thanks Daniel, I really enjoyed this article and being a people person myself, strongly relate to your perspective and choice to choose the personal over the ai relations. Mart

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A byproduct of these small communities, which you and I share attendance of, is the speed of reply. I don’t think people are expected to reply as quickly on things in our small community of friends, then if something were posted on LinkedIn. I mean look at me, reading and responding to this week(s?) after it’s been written. It’s been in my queue and seeing in our community space was a constant and helpful reminder to read something from a dear friend of mine.

Your article brought to mind my own relationship with LinkedIn which has been best described as on again off again. I think noise to signal is the best way to describe why I don’t use it as much as I used to, though I think that’s more retrospective clarity than anything.

Something I’d like to see you tackle is disentangling relationality on social media vs. AI enabled social media. I’m wondering if part of what you’re talking about in terms of our increasing inability to relate to one another is due in part to a pre-existing structure of social media.

In your sentence about “The ontology of children…” I’m surprised you didn’t mention Never Let Me Go, especially considering you mention it later. The way the students in Hailsham related to each other through the things that they made well after middle school years could supplement you thinking on this maybe.

Thanks for writing this. Sorry it took me so long to read this, but I’m glad I finally got around to it. One of the last things I noted while reading your article was “everyone’s world is valuable and interesting” and I definitely resonate with that idea.

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